Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I'm taking a bit of rare quiet time this morning to touch base with y'all; maybe do a bit of reflection and let you know how things are going in my headspace.

I'm a myriad of emotions right now: happy, excited, sad, stressed, anxious (more the good than the bad kind), scared, eager.  The list goes on.  It also varies per day.  Sometimes even per hour (I wish I was joking).  I also can't seem to keep two thoughts in my head at the same time.  Seriously. Also not joking.

This is my final week at work and it's a bittersweet one.  I've said goodbye to a couple co-workers already around the hospital. Yesterday was a bit difficult (having to say goodbye to a direct co-worker, someone I work close to).  Thursday-Sunday are my last shifts.  I've spent over 5 years in that hospital (when I wasn't sure I'd stay more than a couple) and as much as there were times I didn't like some of my co-workers whether I like it or not, they've helped shaped who I am.  They've contributed to my personality, my work ethic (this is a big one), my mannerisms, changing how I interact with people in business.  They've helped shape *who I am* and I've sort of become pretty proud of that person, so I'm very grateful for these experiences and the people who've contributed to them.  So yeah, it'll be hard to say goodbye.

My stuff.  Ugh.  Getting rid of/selling/donating etc my personal items has been one of the most difficult processes.  I'm getting a hard lesson in pride, let me tell you.  Lesson #1 - Your material items hold no monetary value after ownership, and when you go to sell them, people want even less than that.  Lesson #2 - You will never, ever, EVER get what you a) want for it or b) deem the item to be worth.  Lesson #3 - It might actually put you off from ever possessing new things in the future.  At least, for the short term.  I mean, seriously... what I've amended in the past about my attachment to material items, has again been revamped to want even less than before.  Why?  What's the point?  Why do I want to hang onto something that will no longer serve me in the future?  Why do I want something taking up space that can be used for something more purposefully?  This is all coming at a convenient time of moving to a country that believes in minimalism and small spaces because they don't own a lot of things and recognize THEY DON'T NEED TO.  They already have the mentality that I'm just adapting.

I'm going to sit with that for now; have to get ready for a breakfast date with a nurse friend.  Hope y'all are having a good Tuesday :)

P.S - 28 days!


cb said...

I can't begin to imagine what it would take for me to move anywhere, much less another country. I've thought of getting rid of some of my stuff just because I have so much of it, mainly books. But I can't even begin. My heart and thoughts are with you as you go through these transitions but I'm excited for what your future holds. I really respect and admire you for the courage to take this step. Or should I say leap, of faith. God speed to you and all the luck you need in your new life. Be happy and peaceful and blessed dear friend.

Perovskia said...

Thanks so much, CB :)

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