Tuesday, April 9, 2013

There Was Once This Dutch Girl......

It'd been about a month since I was in Toronto to drop off the paperwork for my passport.  They quoted me 2 weeks, though I was skeptical with all the rush they've had to deal with, with everyone getting their paperwork in by the deadline.  I was thinking more of 3-4 weeks.  Well, this week was approaching 4 weeks.  I know better than to "let things develop" with this process (for the times I thought that, so much could have been done), so I emailed my contact at the Dutch consulate.  Sure enough she wrote back in confirmation... "They say no news is good news. Your application was accepted and you should receive your passport by next week."  I was in shock.  I stared at the words on the screen (read from my phone this morning at work).  I won't lie; I even shed a slight (happy) tear or two.  Everything has come to fruition.  

One more things crossed off the Bucket List. 

Wait, I just crossed something off my Bucket List?  All of these thoughts meshing with it like age, stage in life.. and really, a bunch of adjectives I can't think of right now cause I'm so tired.  You get where I'm going with that.  

I've sat with this news all day and I still can't get over it.  I mean, really sit with it.  W. is still without computer/Skype so I had to call him and share the news - he was the first to tell.  We had a great conversation.  We hate not being able to see each other, though.  Even more.. not celebrating in person. BUT.. 5 more sleeps :)  We will have a proper celebration this weekend, incorporating a drink of some kind, I'm sure.  Or hey, just actually being in the same room will be nice and reason enough for celebration.  

Wow.  This weekend. 

Time, it is a flyin'. 

For now, no one has agreed to go out with me for a celebratory drink (or coffee) which I'm a bit bummed about, but honestly, I'm so tired right now I'm not sure how much I could keep up with conversation.  Perhaps tomorrow will be better.  

More to write, but perhaps when I'm more coherent.


hydra said...

I'd happily toast you in champagne if I wasn't thousands of miles away! Well done. I'm so glad for you. x

Perovskia said...

:D @ Ange ;)

Perovskia said...

Thanks Hydra :)

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