Monday, August 10, 2009

Still Alive

Yeah, I'm still around. Haven't had much to post about lately; course is done so the brain box is done working in overtime for a while. No major personal stuff has been happening.

I have been reading Mireille Guiliano's, "French Women Don't Get Fat". It was a widely proclaimed book when it came out. It's a good read, I like it. She expands on the French way/culture of eating; even the importances of indulging (chocolate, wine - in moderation, please). Heh.. but then, the French 'indulge' in wine with every meal. I guess it's 'indulging' to us North Americans (moreso a gastronomic 'sin'). Comes with some good recipes I might give a try.


CaitieCat said...

Glad to hear you're doing well! :)

Perovskia said...

Thanks :)

I think I'll develop a new addage; "No drama is good drama"

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